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Facilitated Communication Training

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Annie's Coming Out

Disabled by cerebral palsy from birth, Anne McDonald was institutionalized at the age of three, thought to be hopelessly mentally retarded.

Until she was sixteen it was believed that Anne would never communicate. At eighteen she left the institution to live with her teacher, Rosemary Crossley, but only after Supreme Court judgements had found her able to communicate and manage her own affairs.

Challenging deeply held prejudices, this story raises vital questions, and demands a radical re-evaluation of the potential and basic rights of people with disabilities.


Other Books

  • Getting the words out - Enhancing Communication for Nursing Home Residents Deal Communication Centre Melbourne 1998
  • Reinventing the Wheelchair - Technology for people with disability Chris Borthwick and Rosemary Crossley Commission for the Future, Melbourne 1984

Organisations concerned with the right to communicate